When it comes to unknowingly abusing our health, women have a special place in our society. We have products specially designed for them, marketed and pushed on to them, of which have proven to inhibit true expression of health and cover up unresolved insecurity.
You shouldn't need a PhD is chemistry to choose safe and yet still very effective cosmetics,
supplements and personal care products.
These are just a hand-full to promote a little understanding and appreciation for the degree of toxicity we expose ourselves to everyday, all day and for most people these times of exposure are most cherished i.e. putting make up on, moisturising, bathing, painting nails etc...
It is important to note that the type of cosmetic e.g. an underarm deodorant versus a body lotion or moisturiser, is irrelevant. What is important is the chemicals used and the frequent application to the skin, that commonly covers the upper body, chest, breast or axilla. The lymphatic drainage of the breast is an important consideration and although the principal route is drainage out of the breast and to the axilla, any drainage pattern from any area of the breast can occur. One of the lymphatic systems primary responsibilities is to move and excrete fluids and fats as well as transport white blood cells, the topical lotions and chemical cocktails will undoubtedly drain into near by locating lymph tissue thus effecting its primary roles and leading to stagnation of fluids and accumulation of toxins... not a great idea!
Here are some examples that continue to pollute our societies blood stream: Makeup, hormonal birth control, high heels, plastic bottles, perfumes/fragrances, vaginal “cleansers,” bras, tampons and unrealistic body images. Do you get the picture?
I know some of them sound a little crazy, and probably make you think I'm a freaky-alternative-conspiracy theorist, but stay with me, I still (occasionally) recommend women wear bras and speak to MD's. What I want to talk about a little more and offer some insight and awareness into is; “The skins function and what we shouldn't really be putting on it + alternatives, of course”.
The skin has been tooted as the largest organ system in the human body (though the surface area of our intestines are actually bigger), covering at most 16>22 square feet of surface area and accounting for up to 16% of our total body mass. Our skin has been shown to separate and inform us of our surroundings both peripherally and sensory, it protects us from becoming internally saturated by the rain, spilt alcohol and sea waters, it also acts as cushioning for deeper tissues where synthesis of the holy vitamin D3 and cholesterol sulphate takes places. Along with its most pronounced yet under appreciated roles of 'waste excretion and body temperature regulation':
Our body temps are fundamentally regulated by neural feedback mechanisms, which have a primary role running through the hypothalamus in the brain, then onto the pituitary and thyroid gland. The hypothalamus is our control mechanism and is also responsible for sensing temperature changes.
For example if your body temperature where to creep over 37 degrees, then your hypothalamus would signal for you to start sweating and with every .1 degree further you go.. the more you sweat..and sweat, opening your skins eccrine glands in order to either cool the body or get rid of unnecessary pollutants!
Though on the other end of the thermometer, if you decide you don't want to eat enough and place serious stress provoking demands on your system because the latest silky magazine says you've got to be 7 stone, then you can expect; vasoconstriction, shivering, increased muscle excitability and various hormones (T4, TSH, epinephrine) being funnelled down to aid in heat production in order to prevent you from becoming infested with parasites, fungus (Fungus can only thrive at temps below 36.6 degrees) and anxiety.
As you might of guessed our supple skin is a true master piece of nuero-sensory and metabolic function and reflection of how in balance we truly are… So why do we abuse it?
Well I've spoken about this before and it all starts with the first A… no not Anxiety, Awareness!
Not many are aware of the skins ability to absorb and excrete. Substances whether pharmaceutical, beauty care, salts or vitamin oils that are placed onto our skin, can penetrate into the underlying tissue and reach the blood stream very quickly (sub 60 seconds). Products such as Epsom salts work by providing magnesium and sulphur nutrition via the skin, rather than via the process of our less efficient (at times) digestive system. Though its important to appreciate, this pathway is no different for foreign toxic substances that saturate our environment and are accumulating in us, contributing to acne, eczema, crappy PMS, smelly arm pits, asthma and Alzheimer's.
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Five of the top nine pesticides used on cotton
(cyanide, dicofol, naled, propargite, and
KNOWN cancer-causing chemicals. Is your tampon toxic? |
The skin has been tooted as the largest organ system in the human body (though the surface area of our intestines are actually bigger), covering at most 16>22 square feet of surface area and accounting for up to 16% of our total body mass. Our skin has been shown to separate and inform us of our surroundings both peripherally and sensory, it protects us from becoming internally saturated by the rain, spilt alcohol and sea waters, it also acts as cushioning for deeper tissues where synthesis of the holy vitamin D3 and cholesterol sulphate takes places. Along with its most pronounced yet under appreciated roles of 'waste excretion and body temperature regulation':
Our body temps are fundamentally regulated by neural feedback mechanisms, which have a primary role running through the hypothalamus in the brain, then onto the pituitary and thyroid gland. The hypothalamus is our control mechanism and is also responsible for sensing temperature changes.
For example if your body temperature where to creep over 37 degrees, then your hypothalamus would signal for you to start sweating and with every .1 degree further you go.. the more you sweat..and sweat, opening your skins eccrine glands in order to either cool the body or get rid of unnecessary pollutants!
Though on the other end of the thermometer, if you decide you don't want to eat enough and place serious stress provoking demands on your system because the latest silky magazine says you've got to be 7 stone, then you can expect; vasoconstriction, shivering, increased muscle excitability and various hormones (T4, TSH, epinephrine) being funnelled down to aid in heat production in order to prevent you from becoming infested with parasites, fungus (Fungus can only thrive at temps below 36.6 degrees) and anxiety.
As you might of guessed our supple skin is a true master piece of nuero-sensory and metabolic function and reflection of how in balance we truly are… So why do we abuse it?
Well I've spoken about this before and it all starts with the first A… no not Anxiety, Awareness!
Not many are aware of the skins ability to absorb and excrete. Substances whether pharmaceutical, beauty care, salts or vitamin oils that are placed onto our skin, can penetrate into the underlying tissue and reach the blood stream very quickly (sub 60 seconds). Products such as Epsom salts work by providing magnesium and sulphur nutrition via the skin, rather than via the process of our less efficient (at times) digestive system. Though its important to appreciate, this pathway is no different for foreign toxic substances that saturate our environment and are accumulating in us, contributing to acne, eczema, crappy PMS, smelly arm pits, asthma and Alzheimer's.
Your only as healthy as the environment you live in (blood stream, air, food, water, soil) - Troy Casey
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The Suns UVB combined with the cholesterol sulphate, offers synthesis of vitamin D (calcitriol) and a free glow i.e. natures foundation. |
A lot of what determines whether a substance will penetrate the skin is its molecular weight, the skin will keep out molecules of a larger molecular weight. Though when your skin is wet, penetration of the skin is enhanced, thus many products contain hydrating buffers to enhance absorption of many "healing" or fortifying compounds, or more commonly toxic ingredients. Hence this is why so many "skin care products" are advised to be used when washing. Though this is where a large percentage of people are promoting a cascade of unconscious metabolic inhibition and systemic stress, whilst not even thinking twice about it.
The FACT that substances can be absorbed through the skin is as good a reason as any to avoid topical treatments containing hormones (unless absolutely required), heavy metals or steroids that will undoubtedly by design, make their way into your system are likely to cause a silent case of hormonal kayos, that you'll probably just blame on "your time of the month", "its just my personality", "that always happens", " I just can't sleep at night, lets take a pill" and all the other acute, unconscious excuses… so lets not wait until the symptoms and excuses get chronic!
Well hopefully through some awareness your now slightly more open to a degree of acceptance (if not now, then check out the references for further eduction). Here are a list of the many unknown compounds that pollute our "body care, haircare, armpit care, teeth care, rude bits care"… products, and have actually been linked to a huge number of neurological and metabolic deterioration and evidently toxicity within.
Go intelligently when choosing products containing these chemical elements…
"a chemical is NOT a food"- Paul Chek
House hold terrorists:
- Chlorine: Not only a bleach but also a potent disinfectant, able to kill or control all kinds of microorganismy-germy-bacterialy things. For that reason you'll likely find it everywhere; from kitchen cleansers, to swimming pools, tap water and showers. It has been proven to even displace the iodine reactive protein from a humans thyroid gland (hypothyroidism anyone?) and inhibit protelytic enzyme production (constipation anyone?). Look to implement a chlorine filter to your water supply or search out a spring water supply near you, (try to avoid the bottled waters) and be conscious about trying to purchase safer cleaning alternatives. 'Malt vinegar and water mixed into a spray bottle is a super alternative for cleaning kitchen bits'.
- BPA/BHT: A highly toxic plastic chemical used as a can lining in brands of some infant formulas. Also found in water bottles, microwave food products and most cheap food packaging, this chemical is used to produce polycarbonate and epoxy plastics. For babies, check food container labels and beware of polycarbonate plastic baby bottles. Chemical leaching and reactions can occur when plastic is heated.
BHT is banned in many european countries, though these two preservatives are considered carcinogenic but remain in U.S and UK manufactured foods that contain oil as they retard rancidity. Found in foods and body products such as Weight watchers microwave foods, Gillette shaving gels and Nivea creams! - Fabric Softeners: Should be avoided completely…ideally. They tend to leave a chemical film which never washes out completely. They have been documented as being irritating to sensitive individuals e.g. asthmatics, largely due to the irritation of the mucosa membrane once inhaled and in close contact. As a harmless alternative; the Gerson Therapy recommends adding 1/4 cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle, softening the clothes and eliminating static cling.
- Flouride: Despite popular belief, fluoride is not a nutrient. Flouride has been proven to effect every tissue in the body inducing oxidative stress, lethargy, apathy, bone cancer, lowers IQ (calcification of pineal gland) and demineralisation of bone, nails and teeth i.e. weakening and brittle. Its found in toothpastes, certain tapped/bottled water supplies, mouthwash and is originally a waste product from the aluminium industry and prior to that used in Nazi Germany's regime to poison the jews (sodium fluoride)… and now your consuming that 2, 3, 4, 5x daily… that undermines common sense to the highest degree!
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Could it
be, that the high degree of estrogenic forming
found in shaving gels, plastic bottles and sun creams
largely contributing to the feminization of males..?
You shouldn't need a PhD is chemistry to choose safe and yet still very effective cosmetics,
supplements and personal care products.
- Parabens: Parabens have been used for 50 years in cosmetics, food and other consumer products. In cosmetics they are used in a variety of products designed to be applied to the skin, particularly the axilla and breast, and include moisturisers, gels and body lotions. Parabens have antimicrobial and preservative properties and extend shelf-life. Parabens are readily absorbed through the skin and gastrointestinal. Parabens have also been suggested as the agents in body care formulations are involved in breast cancer development because of their ready absorption through the skin as intact esters, their hormonal activity and their reproductive toxicity that aid in the production of estrogens. But other suggestions are for the role of aluminium as well as siloxanes or cyclosiloxanes that contribute to the damaging of the central nervous system, that are present in high proportions of personal care products e.g Gillette shaving gel, Vaseline products, 'proactiv acne creams and Listerine/Colgate/Oral-B mouthwash's (Darbre, 2003 and 2004; McGrath, 2003; Bando et al, 1997).
- Toluene: found naturally in crude oil and in a tree named the tolu. Its commonly added to and is used in the making of many products such as paint thinners, rubber, varnish and hair dyes. Its also used in nail products to suspend the color and form a smooth finish across the nail. While the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has set limits for worker exposure to toluene, it is likely to assume that nail salon workers are exposed to unacceptably high levels of the chemical. Largely without sufficient ventilation and environmental monitoring equipment, for extended periods of time, toluene is a well studied respiratory bad boy.
- Triclosan: Initially developed as a surgical scrub for medical professionals, in recent years it has been added to a host of products, from kitchen cutting boards, soaps to shoe material, detergents, toothpastes and even shoe cleaner, in order to kill bacteria and fungus and prevent "natural smells". This product has been linked to down regulating thyroid hormone concentrations, thus inhibiting energy production and its waste disposal has been linked to polluting many wildlife habitats and rivers!
- Benzophenone: This horrible chemical is probably the most notorious and most popular with regards to positive carcinogenic outcomes during studies within the last 15 years. Its used in personal care products such as lip balm, lip gloss, blushing skin agents and nail polish to protect the products from UV light. Derivatives of benzophenone, such as benzophenone-2 (BP2) and oxybenzone (BP3) are common ingredients in sunscreens and after sun products typically found in Nivea and Radox products. Benzophenone is persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. These chemicals are linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, and organ system toxicity. (Follow the link to over 30 studies linking this carcinogenic chemical).
- Nitrosamines: Nitrosamines can form in nearly every kind of personal care product, including
- Dioxins: Dioxins (doesn't sound great does it "Di") are associated with abnormal tissue growth in the abdomen and reproductive organs, abnormal cell growth in the body in general (cancer, anyone?) are an endocrine disruptor, and can suppress the immune system. Used notoriously in cotton based products (most sprayed pesticide crop on the planet btw) and for bleaching material; cotton buds and pads, female tampons and various other female hygiene products, facial wipes etc..
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There are
always cleaner
It is important to note that the type of cosmetic e.g. an underarm deodorant versus a body lotion or moisturiser, is irrelevant. What is important is the chemicals used and the frequent application to the skin, that commonly covers the upper body, chest, breast or axilla. The lymphatic drainage of the breast is an important consideration and although the principal route is drainage out of the breast and to the axilla, any drainage pattern from any area of the breast can occur. One of the lymphatic systems primary responsibilities is to move and excrete fluids and fats as well as transport white blood cells, the topical lotions and chemical cocktails will undoubtedly drain into near by locating lymph tissue thus effecting its primary roles and leading to stagnation of fluids and accumulation of toxins... not a great idea!
"In short, preclinical, molecular and epidemiological evidence supports a role for estrogen in all stages of breast tumour development, 9/10 skin lotions today will promote estrogenic production" (Goss & Strasser-Weippl, 2004).
Now, there are loads of awesome alternatives that YOU can either make yourself (or is that not cool?) or purchase from highly respected retailers and or small peeps near by you. I'll pop a few lists and links to the guys/girls I do and have used before, of which are clean and honest about what they do and don't use in their products:
Bicarb, coconut oil, oregano oil, mint oil, fennel, sea water/salt, frankincense, clove = all beautiful simple ingredients to replace the other chemical laden crap!
Be wise, if you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin.
Stay informed.
Now, there are loads of awesome alternatives that YOU can either make yourself (or is that not cool?) or purchase from highly respected retailers and or small peeps near by you. I'll pop a few lists and links to the guys/girls I do and have used before, of which are clean and honest about what they do and don't use in their products:
Kingfisher toothpaste
Dr Mercola sun cream
Aluminium Free armpit roller
Natracare Organic tampons, sanitary towels (I haven't personally used these… obviously)
Dr Mercola sun cream
Aluminium Free armpit roller
Natracare Organic tampons, sanitary towels (I haven't personally used these… obviously)
Bicarb, coconut oil, oregano oil, mint oil, fennel, sea water/salt, frankincense, clove = all beautiful simple ingredients to replace the other chemical laden crap!
Be wise, if you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin.
Stay informed.
To gain a greater awareness of what your putting into or onto you, then follow this link to a highly informative and well referenced website (s); http://www.safecosmetics.org/get-the-facts/healthandscience/
Oh and don't forget to check this book out: The greatest experiment ever performed on women
To gain a greater awareness of what your putting into or onto you, then follow this link to a highly informative and well referenced website (s); http://www.safecosmetics.org/get-the-facts/healthandscience/
Oh and don't forget to check this book out: The greatest experiment ever performed on women