Tuesday, 22 October 2013

No animal under eats....and thrives!

Just sitting, squatting, crawling or whatever I happen to be doing that captures my interest when playing in the gym, it doesn't take long before you hear that word eco across the room and all the society conscious freaks turn away from their 'training' to try and capture any mind sticking words of inspiration, to help them achieve their "six pack short cut" goal, and yep that word is  ..."Diet" or otherwise known as 'to restrict/limit'.

Yeah didn't you know.. "1lb = 3500 calories” and “To lose 1lb of fat you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories” and in order to look like (you name the celeb) you have eat, sleep, train, think and shit like them.

Bull shit..!

Whether you choose to believe the government funded PT at your local gym who's idea of loosing abdominal fat is to plank and starve, the insulin injecting youtube guru or the intellect with a PhD (Pile higher and Deeper) in morphogenesis and how to reference every journal going... you must appreciate that you and me are biochemically individual. In other words; what may work for me, probably won't for you, and what worked for you yesterday might not suite your physiological (bodies) requirements today etc.. etc. 

That all being said, there always seems to be one distinct similarity that replicates within us all, not just us domesticated smaller brained homo-sapiens, but are nature dwelling animal friends to.

Try telling this guy to stop eating..

Have you ever watched a mosquito land and bite you? it doesn't suck enough to just fill half a tank because its fashion conscious (insecure), it'll eat all it can then fly off to rest-digest until its time to either reproduce or eat again. The same can be said for any grazing animal, carnivorous predators and even a sloth. The point being made here is that when it comes to either existing or thriving, food availability, quantity and of course quality is almost always the limiting factor for us all. 

As suggested NO animal in nature under eats. So why should we? 

Some might suggest 'we don't exercise as much as wild animals', the only essence of physical stimulus we get are the unmotivated, forceful presses of a keyboard (says me typing away) and a hop to the loo to urinate the diuretic (coke) we consumed 20 minutes previous.

Regardless of how much time you spend curling, sitting at a desk, hand standing, gardening or even dulled out in ketosis, your energy requirements to just promote function within your "basic" physiological systems (sex, elimination, mental clarity, sight, smell etc...) is far higher than most would think.   

What we don't consider or have merely enough appreciation for is the complexity of ourselves. We aren't just a closed system where 'energy in equals energy out', if we were then I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be over 5000 published "diet" books on the market today. Truth be told, we are a system of systems and highly complex, in the sense that they all require feeding, movement, rest and are in fact highly needy, especially when not given what they require... does that sound familiar?...

I digress...Next time you have a chance to be out in nature, just take a look, stop and watch how every animal operates, with the respect of their environment that they live in, they all (if not most) are focusing on getting enough food-nourishment in order to be their highest level of expression, to pass on that dominate gene pool. 

Romania is considered poor,
but consider their wealth in
seasonal resources!
36p= 5kg watermelon
FOOD when real, whole, organic (if not, local) and minimally touched by man, will NOT make you fat, it simple doesn't work like that. Believe it or not, by restricting the amount you eat from sources such as fruits, roots, eggs, gelatine, added salt, the chances of experiencing metabolic damage, crap sleep and sluggish sex drive has now increased, along with potential HYPOthyroid (cold hands and feet, constipated, don't sweat?) issues later on in your journey. 

Support that metabolism, eat enough.        


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Are we turning into sloths??

Your thyroid is the master of all glands (or maybe the pineal). According to Broda Barnes to prevent disease the thyroid must be working optimally to prevent a low metabolism, as "A low metabolism affects ALL bodily systems. When energy production is high, immunity is high making the body resilient to stressors of all kinds including infections".  

To note: The thyroid is responsible at controlling the rate at which food passes from mouth to anus. Constipated? Bloating? Insomnia? Hypoglycaemic?…. 

A sloths average rate of food metabolisation, assimilation and elimination is once per week. Sloths have the lowest body temperatures of any mammal and spend most of their time conserving energy by sleeping14-16 hours per day, just like a human in hibernation/famine/starvation mode (Cold hands and feet anyone?). 

Domestication has enhanced a sloths life expectancy (40 years), but you can expect that to be somewhat lower in nature. Due to a low thyroid production and ineffective conversion rate (T4-T3) and compensated metabolism, life expectancy lowers synergistically. 

Is this whats being presented in our society today? Or is this our natural adaptation cycle leading us to be more…"adaptable"?…. uh nope ... Just look around, see that we are becoming more like sloths everyday... but this has only come about due to the thrashing and disconnection of ones physical-mental body from the environment we're creating. 

For example how many people do you now that cannot tolerate "cold" water? Cold water offers a harmonising effect on our bodies systems due to its forced contraction imposed onto all our excitatory nerves and tissues. By getting into the coldest shower/lake/ocean you can tolerate for anywhere between 1-3 minutes and especially coating your spinal column and head, you'll likely find that your requirements for stimulants will reduce and energy enhanced.
A lot of technology induced electromagnetic radiation, poor dietary choices and lifestyles that promote highly inflammatory environments i.e. excess heat or yang, will no doubt benefit from an easy 3 minute cold shower daily. Or you could continue being reliant on pharmaceuticals and doctors if thats easier.

We all have a choice and that of many choices daily from the time we awake, if somethings aren't working, your constantly in pain, not sleeping, not pooping, not performing in the bedroom, then rather than continuing to do the same things continuously, preying everyday and hoping GOD will help you, then WHY not try stepping out of the hot shower (comfort zone) and into the cold? all be it for just 3 minutes daily and at the fraction of a cost (metabolically and financially).  

Some would say we are the most powerful-intelligent-adaptable species on the planet?... Cool so lets start living up to that.

Sleep a little longer.... Eat enough real food...hydrate….get FUNcomfortable with experiences.....worship yourself....make love....smile often!

Experience something new…. don't be a sloth...


Tip: If you embrace the cold water, stay in/under until you experience a normalisation at that temperature, this should trigger whats known as a 'hunter reflex', where by your circulatory and glandular system has shunted your blood inwards to protect and cater for the heart, lungs, liver so that continue to function (priorities). Now by getting out of the cold water and into your towel/clothes your blood will gradually make its way out to your extremities as your body temp rises (normalises), this process has just offered what 'Paul Chek' commonly states as a truly nourishing 'visceral massage' to your internal glands and organs. After all, your simply a reflection of your insides!    

Friday, 18 October 2013

Are natural resources plummeting?..

What is the real 'man-made' natural substance that has seen a devastating drop since the introduction/rise of; convenience, enhanced-sedertaism, prostitution to BIG industries, fake foods, polluted airs, concrete jungles etc.?.. (you could plunge all of that into the progression from manualism to modern machine reliance, 'industrial revolution'?)

Any ideas?..

Well yes you would be right in saying Oil, Coal and potentially Gas. As Recent discoveries of not just significant, but huge oil and gas reserves in the little-explored Mediterranean Sea between Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Syria and Lebanon suggest that the region could become literally a “new Persian Gulf” in terms of oil and gas riches. Asia and the pacific regions are the hungriest coal consumers, Europe; Natural gas and nuclear power, with the Americas and middle east storming the way with the highest oil consumption in 2012 to date (bp statistical review, 2012; corbett report, 2013). 

Lets look a little more closer to home...

How about that very substance that's triggered by your pituitary gland (which is controlled by mental/emotional, physical, environmental and nutritional stimuli), which in turn releases a hormone known as 'luteinizing hormone' (LH) who's job it is to trigger the testicles and or ovaries into producing the substance that offers us humans the ability to thrive and without it... well lets just say, men are starting to look more like women. Well yep that juicy, vital, confidence boosting, bone growing, sperm producer is >>TESTOSTERONE<< (Progesterone in females).

So why is this hormone plummeting? (or becoming de-ratioed) 

"Man Food"= Man Moobs

Well from the list above (first paragraph), they all have a couple of very similar characteristics and end side effects. They all promote over toxicity within our systems that are contributing to excess stress, inflammation, free radical damage, immune suppression and evidently chronic deficiencies! 
And with that we see, through lifestyle factors, such as; poor sleep patterns, low T4 conversion, inability to digest and eliminate effectively, lack of mental clarity and… Paleo, caveman, 'eat as much meat as you wantism' but the rest are all signs of real, poor anabolic hormonal regulation of our friend Mr T. 

With a lack of testosterone we tend to see and experience an uprise in its antagonist; estrogen and prolactin. By many peoples understanding estrogen is the 'female' hormone, but in truth both sexes produce it in quantities that are vital for their individual 'surthrival'. Well thats when we live in accordance and listen to our bodies signals. If you take a look around, most don't seem to be listening at all.        

So as you can see the real issue is us. A healthy environment will always equal a healthy human and vis versa. We need to contribute to these ecosystems by firstly looking after our own internal one. By reducing toxicity exposure from the foods and drinks we consume, making conscious decisions about what we want from our time and realising the only way to truly embrace 'life' here on earth is to start with freeing ourselves from expectation and thinking what you're told. 

As the only thing you have to live with everyday is yourself, so you better get to know it and start enjoying your time together if you truly want to create an enjoyable experience. 

The Testosterone suppressors: 

  • Unsaturated fats; from excess foliage, nuts, seeds, veg oil, margarine, soy products, legumes, muscle meats (via the tryptophan-serotonin-CNS excitatory pathway), corn etc...
  • Fake food-like-stuffs (canned and pre-packed-made shit)
  • Shade
  • United kingdom, Scandinavia, Greenland, Iceland (only due to lack of light/sun)
  • Stagnent relationships and Employment
  • Dehydration
  • Lying to yourself  
  • Late nights
  • Plastic and "Care" products (BPA/BHT/phthalates/Dioxin/Styrene etc..) 
  • 'Birth control' 
  • No dream.... 



Friday, 11 October 2013

Save the soil, save yourself

My understanding of nutrition all started (fortunately) by wondering what goes on in the huge ecosystem we all call 'dirt', 'mud' or 'soil'.

As a kid and like most I was rolling, flipping and crawling around in the 'dirt' day in and day out, climbing from tree to tree (occasionally falling) and coming home with it in all places you wouldn't expect and probably eating a large percentage of that to (unconsciously).

I guess you could say that the organic farmers are the real nutrition "gurus", as by studying agriculture you truly grasp the complexity of the soil, the activity of all creatures and life that exists within. The more virgin and organic the soil the higher abundance of fertility, correct mineral balance, healthy activity of microorganisms/bacteria/fungi bugs/insects/humus etc... The potential to produce life (food) is enhanced by the connection the soil can have with the sun/moon/water and air (para/diamagnetic energy systems).

So if you consider that the 'earth worms' are just one of the chief unpaid labour workers of the soils, their contribution is what nourishes the plants that we and other animals eat. So by adding/spraying chemical sprays to the soil in doing so you not only kill them and their capacity to keep the soil balanced and healthy, but you've also just taken away the foundational DNA that existed in order to nourish you and the animals around!

Healthy soil can contain up to 500-600 millions microorganisms in one handful and within that you expect various forms of bacteria and fungi to contributing to the soils integrity.

We are bacterial beings, more so than cellular.

In order to keep your internal ecosystem healthy/balanced we must start with the soil. We all need it theres no escaping that fact.

Support your local real food producers and in doing so you'll be supporting those little guys beneath, doing all the hard work to help life feed life.

Food for thought: If there is such an abundance of animal and bacterial
life-force living in the soils, doing what nature intended and working with the elements to create balance and richness in order to feed the seeds and therefore potential plants (food)... would it be wise to consider that the animals (microorganisms) within the soil are being fed to the plants. 

Bringing the attention to plant based communities that if the plants are carnivoreously eating animals and your eating the plants, you also are eating animals.... does that mean theres no such thing as a vegetarian/vegan ? Curious.

Or as Paul Chek stated back in his early seminars "There is no such thing as a vegetarian.. just someone who doesn't understand the soil"  


  • Peter McDonald et al (2011) seventh edition
  • Alan Wild (1993)
  • Paul Chek HLC level 1/2 
  • Soil Science (book)

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Is Organic pricey?..

Did someone say 'ORGANIC' was expensive??.. 109 ripe plums, 71 cherry tomatoes, 22 cooking apples and 4 sterling later..! (Oh and it did cost me approx. 80 calories of energy...damn it!)

It takes time, yes. It takes initiative, yes. It requires the WANT to seek out the highest quality food in your area, yes. But it also contributes to supporting your DNA and voice. You vote towards a big industry dominated society, that pays no attention to 'Health' or you support the groups that take the care and attention to source you the highest living, seasonal, nutrient dense foods in your communities with every pound/dollar/euro/lei you spend!

Oh and consider the long term, yep thats right, your complex system will always sacrifice its long term health for short term survival. So you may be feeling 'ok' as for now.. but is eating a handle full of insecticides- BPA's- unstable unsaturated fats really immuno sustainable.?!

But make sure your eating enough (of the REAL stuff), you wouldn't want a flush of cold feet, nose and hands anytime soon!


Looking to educate yourself on the importance or organics?

Check out the highly informative videos below by Paul Chek, get a pen ready.