Tuesday, 22 October 2013

No animal under eats....and thrives!

Just sitting, squatting, crawling or whatever I happen to be doing that captures my interest when playing in the gym, it doesn't take long before you hear that word eco across the room and all the society conscious freaks turn away from their 'training' to try and capture any mind sticking words of inspiration, to help them achieve their "six pack short cut" goal, and yep that word is  ..."Diet" or otherwise known as 'to restrict/limit'.

Yeah didn't you know.. "1lb = 3500 calories” and “To lose 1lb of fat you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories” and in order to look like (you name the celeb) you have eat, sleep, train, think and shit like them.

Bull shit..!

Whether you choose to believe the government funded PT at your local gym who's idea of loosing abdominal fat is to plank and starve, the insulin injecting youtube guru or the intellect with a PhD (Pile higher and Deeper) in morphogenesis and how to reference every journal going... you must appreciate that you and me are biochemically individual. In other words; what may work for me, probably won't for you, and what worked for you yesterday might not suite your physiological (bodies) requirements today etc.. etc. 

That all being said, there always seems to be one distinct similarity that replicates within us all, not just us domesticated smaller brained homo-sapiens, but are nature dwelling animal friends to.

Try telling this guy to stop eating..

Have you ever watched a mosquito land and bite you? it doesn't suck enough to just fill half a tank because its fashion conscious (insecure), it'll eat all it can then fly off to rest-digest until its time to either reproduce or eat again. The same can be said for any grazing animal, carnivorous predators and even a sloth. The point being made here is that when it comes to either existing or thriving, food availability, quantity and of course quality is almost always the limiting factor for us all. 

As suggested NO animal in nature under eats. So why should we? 

Some might suggest 'we don't exercise as much as wild animals', the only essence of physical stimulus we get are the unmotivated, forceful presses of a keyboard (says me typing away) and a hop to the loo to urinate the diuretic (coke) we consumed 20 minutes previous.

Regardless of how much time you spend curling, sitting at a desk, hand standing, gardening or even dulled out in ketosis, your energy requirements to just promote function within your "basic" physiological systems (sex, elimination, mental clarity, sight, smell etc...) is far higher than most would think.   

What we don't consider or have merely enough appreciation for is the complexity of ourselves. We aren't just a closed system where 'energy in equals energy out', if we were then I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be over 5000 published "diet" books on the market today. Truth be told, we are a system of systems and highly complex, in the sense that they all require feeding, movement, rest and are in fact highly needy, especially when not given what they require... does that sound familiar?...

I digress...Next time you have a chance to be out in nature, just take a look, stop and watch how every animal operates, with the respect of their environment that they live in, they all (if not most) are focusing on getting enough food-nourishment in order to be their highest level of expression, to pass on that dominate gene pool. 

Romania is considered poor,
but consider their wealth in
seasonal resources!
36p= 5kg watermelon
FOOD when real, whole, organic (if not, local) and minimally touched by man, will NOT make you fat, it simple doesn't work like that. Believe it or not, by restricting the amount you eat from sources such as fruits, roots, eggs, gelatine, added salt, the chances of experiencing metabolic damage, crap sleep and sluggish sex drive has now increased, along with potential HYPOthyroid (cold hands and feet, constipated, don't sweat?) issues later on in your journey. 

Support that metabolism, eat enough.        


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