Saturday, 11 April 2015

Are we turning into Sloths?

Your thyroid is the master of all glands (or maybe the pineal). According to Broda Barnes to prevent disease the thyroid must be working optimally to prevent a low metabolism, as "A low metabolism affects ALL bodily systems. When energy production is high, immunity is high making the body resilient to stressors of all kinds including infections".  

To note: The thyroid is responsible at controlling the rate at which food passes from mouth to anus. Constipated? Bloating? Insomnia? Hypoglycaemic?…. 
Could easily be mistaken for a human.

A sloths average rate of food metabolisation, assimilation and elimination is once per week. Sloths have the lowest body temperatures of any mammal and spend most of their time conserving energy by sleeping14-16 hours per day, just like a human in hibernation/famine/starvation mode (Cold hands and feet anyone?). 

Domestication has enhanced a sloths life expectancy (40 years), but you can expect that to be somewhat lower in nature. Due to a low thyroid production and ineffective conversion rate (T4-T3) and compensated metabolism, life expectancy lowers synergistically. 

Is this whats being presented in our society today? Or is this our natural adaptation cycle leading us to be more…"adaptable"?…. uh nope ... Just look around, see that we are becoming more like sloths everyday... but this has only come about due to the thrashing and disconnection of ones physical-mental body from the environment we're creating. 

For example how many people do you now that cannot tolerate "cold" water? Cold water offers a harmonising effect on our bodies systems due to its forced contraction imposed onto all our excitatory nerves and tissues. By getting into the coldest shower/lake/ocean you can tolerate for anywhere between 1-3 minutes and especially coating your spinal column and head, you'll likely find that your requirements for stimulants will reduce and energy enhanced.
A lot of technology induced electromagnetic radiation, poor dietary choices and lifestyles that promote highly inflammatory environments i.e. excess heat or yang, will no doubt benefit from an easy 3 minute cold shower daily. Or you could continue being reliant on pharmaceuticals and doctors if thats easier.

We all have a choice and that of many choices daily from the time we awake, if somethings aren't working, your constantly in pain, not sleeping, not pooping, not performing in the bedroom, then rather than continuing to do the same things continuously, preying everyday and hoping GOD will help you, then WHY not try stepping out of the hot shower (comfort zone) and into the cold? all be it for just 3 minutes daily and at the fraction of a cost (metabolically and financially).  

Some would say we are the most powerful-intelligent-adaptable species on the planet?... Cool so lets start living up to that.

Sleep a little longer.... Eat enough real food...hydrate….get FUNcomfortable with experiences.....worship yourself....make often!

Experience something new…. don't be a sloth...


Tip: If you embrace the cold water, stay in/under until you experience a normalisation at that temperature, this should trigger whats known as a 'hunter reflex', where by your circulatory and glandular system has shunted your blood inwards to protect and cater for the heart, lungs, liver so that continue to function (priorities). Now by getting out of the cold water and into your towel/clothes your blood will gradually make its way out to your extremities as your body temp rises (normalises), this process has just offered what 'Paul Chek' commonly states as a truly nourishing 'visceral massage' to your internal glands and organs. After all, your simply a reflection of your insides!    

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

The best way to get POTASSIUM poisoning!

It seems clear to me that people are only aware of one food on this planet that contains Potassium (K) and even then they tend to think of it in the same terms as exposure to mercury, fluoride, chlorine and as if you where smoking on a car exhaust pipe, and I don't think its to far-out to state that you'd probably get more people playing "health-expert" and throwing "factual-warnings" at you if they where to see you munching on three (or more) organic ripe bananas in the heat of day, compared to chain smoking three Marlboro's in your lunch break.  
Potassium overdose!

Though most don't consider or even know the effects of excess Iron, copper, iodine or even calcium as by way of excess formation in the tissues i.e. being put into places it shouldn't be, perpetuating the stress cycle etc.. so does anyone understand the vast benefits of potassium ingestion? Heres a quick run through;

  • Its the third most abundant mineral and combined with bioavailable Magnesium from sources such as pressed orange juice, both have anti stress properties and have shown to enhance bone mineral density. 
  • Enhances glucose uptake intracelularly, plays a vital role in delivery of glucose into the cell without causing a drop in blood sugar. In one study, it was found that the insulin molecule itself, immunoreactive insulin, accounted for only about 8% of the serum's insulin-like action. The authors of that study believed that potassium was the main other factor in the serum that promoted the disposition and guidance into the cell of glucose. Since potassium and glucose are both always present in the blood, their effects on each other have usually been ignored.
  • Potassium is potent vasodilator, enhancing the diameter of blood vessels, the loss of potassium leads to vasoconstriction, which contributes to heart and kidney failure and high blood pressure.
  • Regulates thyroid health by the calcium-to-potassium ratio. Hair mineral analysis shows us how well your own (or supplemented) thyroid hormones are able to function. A high ratio = lower function. Low potassium levels would drive this ratio higher, worsening thyroid-type symptoms (On the other hand, excess potassium could make you really skinny- vegan style)
  • Muscular contraction is enhanced, most of the potassium ions in the human body are located in the muscle cells. Potassium maintains optimal muscle and nerve function, and helps to keep our reflexes fast because it stimulates the neural connectivity of muscles and the brain and the thyroid, of which has a direct link to neural relaxation so that contraction is optimal (If reflexes are not relaxing then they'll fatigue easily, take up water, calcium and evidently form failure of all tissues and glands i.e. congestive heart failure, edema, calcification, HBP). 
  • Helps to regulate blood volume and BP so that we don't loose excess sodium. A loss of too much sodium can be a hall mark sign of hypothyroidism. 
  • Hair mineral analysis expressing a ratio of sodium: potassium less than 2:1 and or total potassium levels less than 4mg%, is a sure sign of induced hypoglycaemia. The large proportion of energy dedicated to maintaining sodium/potassium concentration gradients emphasizes the importance of this function in sustaining life. Tight control of cell membrane potential is critical for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and heart function. Hypoglycaemia is often found amongst individuals practicing a calorie or macronutrient restricted approach, or lifestyle for that matter.     

Lets start from the beginning and really get to understand how potassium "poisoning" is best brought on and the chat being spread;

Potassium enters the body via oral intake i.e. food or intravenous infusion, its largely stored in the cells (intracellular), and is then if need be excreted in the urine. The major causes of hyperkalemia ("potassium poisoning", "overload" or serum levels greeter than 5.9 or 7.1 mmol depending on the papers you read ) are increased potassium released from the cells (tissue trauma, RBC problems, hemolysis) and most often reduced urinary potassium excretion… excess in the blood outside of the cells, where it ain't supposed to be is not a good idea chronically!

Minerals don't tend to function singularly. Based off of the Research implemented by 'Trace Elements labs' and various institutes, ratios are taken in conjunction with other  significant minerals and trace minerals. For example you'll likely find the correlations between the four big boys (Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Calcium) an important factor in any health screening analysis and assessments such as hair mineral analysis, which will produce clear cut objective data showing ratios of each mineral to another. The most common miss-aligned ratios are 'calcium: potassium' and 'sodium: potassium', nearly both always presenting a low potassium ratio. Potassium concentrations are about 30 times higher inside than outside cells, while sodium concentrations are more than ten times lower inside than outside cells.
It just so happens that preagriculturial humans have been calculated to of consumed 768mg of Sodium per day, but loaded on the potassium with what is estimated to of been around 10,500mg at least, from predominately fruits and or below ground vegetables. Now not only is that over double the amount recommended for todays deficient society, but that sure sets up the ratio of Potassium: Sodium in a flavoursome homeostatic environment.

The guidelines for potassium (K) intake given across most continents is hovering around 4700mg per day i.e. 10 large bananas or 5 medium baked spuds or a ton of orange juice. Though based off of most daily recommendations the health authorities give, that may be a safe 'minimum' for most to reach and aim for. Though just like most recommendations, their observations and case studies are largely based off of unhealthy populations, so what do they really stand for? As most papers I've studied, state that around only 2% of Americans and 4% of Brits come anywhere near the "daily recommended" amount of potassium consumption per day. Though like we stated before its the ratios of other various minerals that are also important to consider.

Up to 100 ml of coconut water has 250 mg of potassium 
and 105 mg of sodium, a great ratio with 8x more potassium
than an average baked spud. states, "Although there is no established safe upper limit, potassium toxicity appears to develop with an intake of approximately 18,000 mgs and may lead to cardiac arrest." Considering this information, you can see that, while possible, it would be very difficult to overdose on potassium, and even then the "pros" still aren't that sure. For example it would take myself to consume 140 large bananas in under 30 seconds and for my kidneys to fail excreting the excess serum levels in order to experience hyperkalemia or any such flushing, tingling, paralysis, vasodilating-arrhythmia like symptoms…

Now if you really fancy experiencing hyperkalemia or even just want to continue being caring and a clinical health expert on potassium poisoning (like you did with bananas), then this course of direction and awareness may be your best route:

Now how many individuals do you know that drop a few ibuprofen down their tract daily? Ibuprofen and various groups of the non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) are commonly known to promote hyperkalemia as they lower renal renin secretion (an enzyme responsible for regulating our arterial blood pressure), which is normally controlled by locally produced prostaglandins (do you know what they are?).
Though just like the anticoagulants (Heparin), the anti-hypertensive drugs like beta blockers they decrease cellular uptake of potassium, pentamidine and the more direct 'Angiotensin receptor blockers', together are shown to lower 'aldosterone' (despite aldosterone being a pro-inflmmatory marker) to varying degrees, and in some cases to the point at which forced release of intracellular potassium (via various means) are not able to be excreted via our pee!
So by inducing acute kidney damage, failure, relying heavily on these various pharmaceuticals and exposing yourself to prolonged episodes of dangerous mineral deficient, pituitary gland stressing environments, such as hypoglycaemia (like most starvation protocols do do), then you'll likely be setting yourself up nicely.

Dr Gersons healing therapies promote high potassium intake through foods such as daily pressed Orange juice, baked potatoes, prune juices and potassium compound supplements (along with B12 and thyroid). Its the high potassium, low sodium diet of the Gerson therapy that has been observed experimentally to cure many cases of advanced cancer in man. Recent studies from the laboratory of Ling indicate that high potassium, low sodium environments can partially return damaged cell proteins to their normal undamaged configuration. Therefore, the damage in other tissues, induced by toxins and breakdown products from cancer, is probably partly repaired by the Gerson therapy through this mechanism.

Hypokalemia is the real problem and in some cases excess consumption of liquorice may act like that of aldosterone, causing excess potassium to become excreted via glycyrrhizic acids action. The symptoms of hypokalemia like fatigue, muscular weakness and intestinal paralysis/constipation/bloating are related to changes in the membranes potential between potassium and sodium. If you like to booze, have used one to many laxatives in your time, are on a mineral restrictive promoting diet (anorexia) and or like most your running at full steam on inefficient fuel and your serum magnesium levels are depleting, you'll be heading towards systems of potassium deficiency…. better eat that half of a banana then..?

But if you do happen to lose sensitivity and end up with various symptoms of hyperkalemia as the above, then get yourself to a an emergency department where you'll  likely be intravenously pumped with a combo of bicarbonate, calcium/magnesium sulphate, and insulin together with 50% dextrose in order to acutely save your arse, or there or there a bouts. (The use of insulin and a sugar facilitates glucose into the cell and that brings potassium with it i.e. out of the "blood" and into the cell so to speak).

Be wise.
