Saturday, 11 April 2015

Are we turning into Sloths?

Your thyroid is the master of all glands (or maybe the pineal). According to Broda Barnes to prevent disease the thyroid must be working optimally to prevent a low metabolism, as "A low metabolism affects ALL bodily systems. When energy production is high, immunity is high making the body resilient to stressors of all kinds including infections".  

To note: The thyroid is responsible at controlling the rate at which food passes from mouth to anus. Constipated? Bloating? Insomnia? Hypoglycaemic?…. 
Could easily be mistaken for a human.

A sloths average rate of food metabolisation, assimilation and elimination is once per week. Sloths have the lowest body temperatures of any mammal and spend most of their time conserving energy by sleeping14-16 hours per day, just like a human in hibernation/famine/starvation mode (Cold hands and feet anyone?). 

Domestication has enhanced a sloths life expectancy (40 years), but you can expect that to be somewhat lower in nature. Due to a low thyroid production and ineffective conversion rate (T4-T3) and compensated metabolism, life expectancy lowers synergistically. 

Is this whats being presented in our society today? Or is this our natural adaptation cycle leading us to be more…"adaptable"?…. uh nope ... Just look around, see that we are becoming more like sloths everyday... but this has only come about due to the thrashing and disconnection of ones physical-mental body from the environment we're creating. 

For example how many people do you now that cannot tolerate "cold" water? Cold water offers a harmonising effect on our bodies systems due to its forced contraction imposed onto all our excitatory nerves and tissues. By getting into the coldest shower/lake/ocean you can tolerate for anywhere between 1-3 minutes and especially coating your spinal column and head, you'll likely find that your requirements for stimulants will reduce and energy enhanced.
A lot of technology induced electromagnetic radiation, poor dietary choices and lifestyles that promote highly inflammatory environments i.e. excess heat or yang, will no doubt benefit from an easy 3 minute cold shower daily. Or you could continue being reliant on pharmaceuticals and doctors if thats easier.

We all have a choice and that of many choices daily from the time we awake, if somethings aren't working, your constantly in pain, not sleeping, not pooping, not performing in the bedroom, then rather than continuing to do the same things continuously, preying everyday and hoping GOD will help you, then WHY not try stepping out of the hot shower (comfort zone) and into the cold? all be it for just 3 minutes daily and at the fraction of a cost (metabolically and financially).  

Some would say we are the most powerful-intelligent-adaptable species on the planet?... Cool so lets start living up to that.

Sleep a little longer.... Eat enough real food...hydrate….get FUNcomfortable with experiences.....worship yourself....make often!

Experience something new…. don't be a sloth...


Tip: If you embrace the cold water, stay in/under until you experience a normalisation at that temperature, this should trigger whats known as a 'hunter reflex', where by your circulatory and glandular system has shunted your blood inwards to protect and cater for the heart, lungs, liver so that continue to function (priorities). Now by getting out of the cold water and into your towel/clothes your blood will gradually make its way out to your extremities as your body temp rises (normalises), this process has just offered what 'Paul Chek' commonly states as a truly nourishing 'visceral massage' to your internal glands and organs. After all, your simply a reflection of your insides!    

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