The bulk of the world's fish meal and oil is today manufactured by the wet pressing method. Through this method large fish are sliced, crushed and placed into a steam cooker, they are then strained and placed into a 'twin screw press' in order to create a dough-like consistency. The products from the press (presscake and press liquor) are separated and treated individually. Whilst the fish meal is being processed accordingly and bagged for storage and distribution, the liquor is being refined through a decanter and buffer tanks before being separated into the oil, stick water and fine sludge in a centrifuge. The oil passes through a buffer tank once again, before water and sludge impurities are removed (polishing) in the oil separator. After polishing, the oil often passes through an inspection tank before being
stored in the oil tank.
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Nothing is wasted during the processing of fish flesh. Fish meal, protein, oil and stick water concentrates are all sold separately to various industries for their use and profitable gain.
The people who created the idea of the Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) that are derived from sea algae, have actually produced studies and conducted experiments highlighting some of the very important reasons why we shouldn’t be eating them. They also had one of their own employes go onto a fat free, "EFA" free diet for 6 months and found that their health remarkably improved, with enhanced energy, improved lipid levels and life long weekly migraines eliminated!
The guys and girls who I'm referring to are 'George and Mildred Burrs'. Based on the experiments done by the Burrs throughout the 1920's, the polyunsaturated dietary fats (linoleic and linolenic acids) became known as essential fatty acids because we humans have been shown to not be able to manufacture them endogenously. The EFA's appeared to cure a scaly skin condition known as dermatitis, observed in the rats. The introduction of EFA into the rats’ fat-deficient diet supposedly cured their dermatitis, and there it was coined an "essential fatty acid deficiency".
Or if you look behind all the 'Bro Science' and industry bought and payed for scientists, you'll find many hidden studies conducted showing the actual cause of the Burrs rat dermatitis. For example the dermatitis that the Burrs said to of cured has been shown to be due to poor mineral balance of zinc and magnesium and a clear B3-B5 vitamin deficiency. Though their study does still continue to be cited as the basis justifying the 1.2 billion pound industry that has grown up around the “essential” fish oils.
Nothing was really in support of their claims and the fish oils w1ere known to be toxic in the 1950/60’s and by the 1970’s linoleic acid was known to cause heart disease. So they sold the idea that the fish oils and linseed oils where a different kind of fat, not the Omega-6, but the Omega-3 instead. The seed oil industry wanted to market their oils (cotton seed, soya, hemp, linseed, flax seed etc..) around the same time and the large trawling fishing industries
where told to stop putting their smelly unwanted catches in landfill sites. So both sectors where shown to have bought the Burrs out of the pits along with their research and highlighted that the Burrs had proven the “essentiality” of linolenic acid. They now market their oils to this day as essential food and the public consumes them in large quantities in cereals, baby formula, supplements, dairy products and ready-packaged meals, despite the large number of research findings that heart disease, atrophy of the reproductives, infertility and diabetes have all been associated with the exposure to these fatty acids.
The Fish oil marketers have told us for years that the EFA's are essential for "brain function" and that they are "immune supporting". More recently their attention has been caught by the pharmaceutical establishments due to their 'cholesterol lowering' properties, though at an expense. After we consume fish oils or any derivative from the seed oils, blood tests often indicate that cholesterol has been lowered. Though prevalent research indicates that the cholesterol has only moved from the blood and become stored in the tissues in order to protect the tissues from the oxidative damage of the polyunsaturated fats. Cholesterol is our most potent antioxidant and the liver knows this well, as it always looks to retain cholesterol for times of stress and to continually promote cell division.
If you do happen to overdose on the PUFA, all of our intra cellular mechanisms become deranged and altered. The chromosomes and spindles of our cells all require the saturated fatty acids and cholesterol to function, so excess PUFA and fish oil will suppress this function, as well as metabolism.
Most people just accept inflammation and sickness as a way of life and the few capsules or drops of fish oil will be their saviour.. But isn't that just like taking a aspirin for your arthritic elbow (in fact aspirin is less toxic than PUFA rich fish oil) or a can of monster to mask your thyroid-adrenal insufficiency (chronic fatigue)? So why don't we look to reduce or remove the inflammatory habits from our daily lifestyles.
The "anti-inflammatory" effects said to of been created by the consumption of fish oil is also well known to be induced by a suppression of the immune system and just like inflammation induced during "lifting heavy things or moving slowly and steady" they also raise glucocortisoids, prostaglandin's, estrogens and blood levels of lactate, to protect us from chronic stress (Stress = anything that inhibits energy production). These markers can be down regulated and reduced appropriately with the correct use of safer nutrition such as; orange juice, gelatine and salt and training times during the day to optimise health and training effects.
Using the natural spurts of glucocortsoids to enhance alertness, blood sugar regulation and preventing the need to promote production later during the day is a great move for most inflamed individuals (itis).
As you may know, when the sun rises, our cortisol levels also rise, and peak at around 6 - 9 a.m. They then drop a little but remain high through midday, supporting daily functions and activities. In the afternoon, cortisol levels begin dropping significantly, especially as the sun goes down. Decreasing cortisol levels allow the release of melatonin, pregnenalone and DHEA, enhancing hormonal levels for growth and repair, thus down regulating inflammation.
Though some individuals have likely had some experience with a reduction in their inflamed wrist or knees after consuming the oils, when we look at the physiology of the oils in nature and through processing and how our physiology reacts to them once ingested, we can see that when ever the immune system becomes stimulated or perceives threat, it will undoubtably increase its defence signals by promoting pro-inflammotory markers to deal with the stress imposed. Consider this thought from Rob Turner;
"Pretend you're a fish for a moment that doesn't eat as it should and just loves to eat butter, a saturated fat (which by the way was derived from a warm blooded animal). Om nom nom.
Pretty quickly the fish realizes that this idea isn't a good one as his tissues harden in the cold water (think butter in the refrigerator), and he is no longer able to swim. Humans have greater adaptability than do cold-water fish, but the biochemistry of the situation isn't any better when we as warm-blooded omnivores eat or supplement with the highly unsaturated oils from fish.
Fish oils remain liquid even at cold temperatures and prevent fish from freezing in very cold water. In an oxygen rich and warm environment like your body, however, the structure of these fats is not stable and breaks down easily into health deteriorating substances. The biochemistry of fish oils and our body does not match."
The use of EFA's to remedy an “EFA deficiency” was actually an indication of the polyunsaturated fats’ metabolism suppressing tendencies. An organism with a lower metabolic rate has a decreased need for nutrients so one can “cure” a vitamin deficiency by taking something (“EFA”) that slows metabolism. Those organisms with an “EFA deficiency” experience a higher metabolic rate and thus an increased need for B vitamins and other nutrients. So you can either use B vitamins and other nutrients or “EFA” to cure the deficiency (Pearce M L, Dayton S, 1971).
As you can probably make out just like the genetic and nerve scientists and food technologists, the fish oil and seed oil industries all seem to be very high in ideology and very low in facts, with their clever marketing programs doing most of the work.
In order to keep inflammation down we have to learn to keep our pituitary quiet and cells actively nourished, we can't keep funding the industries waste materials at an expense of our long term health.
Be wise.
Or if you look behind all the 'Bro Science' and industry bought and payed for scientists, you'll find many hidden studies conducted showing the actual cause of the Burrs rat dermatitis. For example the dermatitis that the Burrs said to of cured has been shown to be due to poor mineral balance of zinc and magnesium and a clear B3-B5 vitamin deficiency. Though their study does still continue to be cited as the basis justifying the 1.2 billion pound industry that has grown up around the “essential” fish oils.
Nothing was really in support of their claims and the fish oils w1ere known to be toxic in the 1950/60’s and by the 1970’s linoleic acid was known to cause heart disease. So they sold the idea that the fish oils and linseed oils where a different kind of fat, not the Omega-6, but the Omega-3 instead. The seed oil industry wanted to market their oils (cotton seed, soya, hemp, linseed, flax seed etc..) around the same time and the large trawling fishing industries
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Peruvian fish oil/meal production |
During a small talk in mid Devon the late Barry Groves described many of the ill-effects related to the consumption of fish and seed oils (PUFs). He stated that in 1989 there was a report of a 10-year trial at a Veterans’ Administration Hospital in Los Angeles. In this trial half the patients were fed a diet which had twice as much PUFs as saturated fats. In the half of patients on the high PUF diet there was a 15% increase in cancer deaths compared to the saturated fat group. The authors of the report said that the PUFs had been the cause of the increase in cancer deaths. On the 6th October 1973 issue of the British Medical Journal asked if PUFs were carcinogenic and came to the conclusion that they were (Trick and Treat, 2008).
The Fish oil marketers have told us for years that the EFA's are essential for "brain function" and that they are "immune supporting". More recently their attention has been caught by the pharmaceutical establishments due to their 'cholesterol lowering' properties, though at an expense. After we consume fish oils or any derivative from the seed oils, blood tests often indicate that cholesterol has been lowered. Though prevalent research indicates that the cholesterol has only moved from the blood and become stored in the tissues in order to protect the tissues from the oxidative damage of the polyunsaturated fats. Cholesterol is our most potent antioxidant and the liver knows this well, as it always looks to retain cholesterol for times of stress and to continually promote cell division.
If you do happen to overdose on the PUFA, all of our intra cellular mechanisms become deranged and altered. The chromosomes and spindles of our cells all require the saturated fatty acids and cholesterol to function, so excess PUFA and fish oil will suppress this function, as well as metabolism.
Most people just accept inflammation and sickness as a way of life and the few capsules or drops of fish oil will be their saviour.. But isn't that just like taking a aspirin for your arthritic elbow (in fact aspirin is less toxic than PUFA rich fish oil) or a can of monster to mask your thyroid-adrenal insufficiency (chronic fatigue)? So why don't we look to reduce or remove the inflammatory habits from our daily lifestyles.
The "anti-inflammatory" effects said to of been created by the consumption of fish oil is also well known to be induced by a suppression of the immune system and just like inflammation induced during "lifting heavy things or moving slowly and steady" they also raise glucocortisoids, prostaglandin's, estrogens and blood levels of lactate, to protect us from chronic stress (Stress = anything that inhibits energy production). These markers can be down regulated and reduced appropriately with the correct use of safer nutrition such as; orange juice, gelatine and salt and training times during the day to optimise health and training effects.
Using the natural spurts of glucocortsoids to enhance alertness, blood sugar regulation and preventing the need to promote production later during the day is a great move for most inflamed individuals (itis).
As you may know, when the sun rises, our cortisol levels also rise, and peak at around 6 - 9 a.m. They then drop a little but remain high through midday, supporting daily functions and activities. In the afternoon, cortisol levels begin dropping significantly, especially as the sun goes down. Decreasing cortisol levels allow the release of melatonin, pregnenalone and DHEA, enhancing hormonal levels for growth and repair, thus down regulating inflammation.
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Stable, Saturated and Oxidises within the cell vs Vulnerable and Unsaturated and Oxidises at room temp/in tissues |
Though some individuals have likely had some experience with a reduction in their inflamed wrist or knees after consuming the oils, when we look at the physiology of the oils in nature and through processing and how our physiology reacts to them once ingested, we can see that when ever the immune system becomes stimulated or perceives threat, it will undoubtably increase its defence signals by promoting pro-inflammotory markers to deal with the stress imposed. Consider this thought from Rob Turner;
"Pretend you're a fish for a moment that doesn't eat as it should and just loves to eat butter, a saturated fat (which by the way was derived from a warm blooded animal). Om nom nom.
Pretty quickly the fish realizes that this idea isn't a good one as his tissues harden in the cold water (think butter in the refrigerator), and he is no longer able to swim. Humans have greater adaptability than do cold-water fish, but the biochemistry of the situation isn't any better when we as warm-blooded omnivores eat or supplement with the highly unsaturated oils from fish.
Fish oils remain liquid even at cold temperatures and prevent fish from freezing in very cold water. In an oxygen rich and warm environment like your body, however, the structure of these fats is not stable and breaks down easily into health deteriorating substances. The biochemistry of fish oils and our body does not match."
The use of EFA's to remedy an “EFA deficiency” was actually an indication of the polyunsaturated fats’ metabolism suppressing tendencies. An organism with a lower metabolic rate has a decreased need for nutrients so one can “cure” a vitamin deficiency by taking something (“EFA”) that slows metabolism. Those organisms with an “EFA deficiency” experience a higher metabolic rate and thus an increased need for B vitamins and other nutrients. So you can either use B vitamins and other nutrients or “EFA” to cure the deficiency (Pearce M L, Dayton S, 1971).
As you can probably make out just like the genetic and nerve scientists and food technologists, the fish oil and seed oil industries all seem to be very high in ideology and very low in facts, with their clever marketing programs doing most of the work.
In order to keep inflammation down we have to learn to keep our pituitary quiet and cells actively nourished, we can't keep funding the industries waste materials at an expense of our long term health.
Be wise.
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