Saturday, 30 January 2016

Breasts, Abortions, Health and Awareness!

The more research I read and the more researchers I talk to, the less I have come to believe that women need supplemental estrogen, even after menopause. This is especially since we eat so many estrogenicly manipulating foods and because estrogen can be produced in the human body and in most of its tissues, with its concentrations increasing as we age. For instance take a look and examine a pinch of coal ash, car exhaust fumes or house dust, and you'll likely find various types of estrogen, esterone, estradiol making their way into our biochemistries.

Because some estrogen is secreted In the bile, adequate
fibre in the diet (oats, potato. or raw carrots, for example)
and regular bowel function help to prevent the
build-up of estrogen, which inhibits the thyroid.
Prior to 1947, over 300 papers where published indicating estrogens carcinogenic effects upon animals. DES (Diethylstilbestrol), a synthetic estrogen was used medically from 1947-1964 to prevent miscarriage, despite knowing it causes pre-cancerous changes and abortion from the 1930's. - Barbra Seaman 

Its interesting to note that if you're given estrogen in just a small amount and early enough, if can and will prevent the implantation of the fertilised embryo by promoting a hypoxic environment and effectively suffocating the embryo by inhibiting respiration. Though progesterone (pro-gest-ation) on the other hand is known to protect against the toxic effects of excess estrogen, including abortions. This is done by preventing hypoxia and aiding in the delivery of oxygen, glucose and nutrition to the fetus and as a bonus enhancing the development of the babies cortex i.e. its likely to be an intelligent little one, when oestrogen is opposed.

Still to this day a vast majority of doctors promote estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) for the menopausal women, which is implying that doctors believe menopause is caused by a decrease or lack therefore of in available estrogen.

Dr Peat and Broda Barnes have noted in their work that as a women ages, the ratio of estrogen to progesterone increases, so less progesterone is produced in comparison to estrogen. Women (and men) can secrete substantial amount of estrogen regardless of menopause or the removal of their ovaries. This is due to every tissues sensitivity to estrogen and largely the adrenal glands role. When thyroid function becomes inhibited (due to inefficient liver capacity or environmental stressors) the conversion T4 to T3 decreases and the conversion of androgens to estrogen increases- P.K Siiteri.

Tropical fruit helps promote glycogen storage,
up regulate pyruvate DHG and thus thyroid
conversion. Fruits are also digested high up,
thus don't promote the formation of endotoxin.
Endotoxin is linked to breast cancer, fruit is good.
Lastly, one of the most important tools i've learnt to use from Broda Barnes work and Josh Rubin, is the use of body temperature to identify estrogens effects on the individual. Despite the symptoms of chronic blood sugar dysregulation, constipation, migraine headaches, puffiness upon awakening and a general feeling of discomfort long term, body temperature offers objective feedback regarding how well our cells are producing energy (heat) and if our thyroid is converting efficiently. For your information, when functioning optimally we're likely to hover around 36.6-37 degree C, but as a product of estrogens effects and our inabilities to meet our own energy demands with proper food frequencies and rest, many our surviving well below this immune supporting norm.

Below are a number of links to current and past literature. I've put them in so that you can look to make up your own mind and continue the research for yourself and identify if exogenous estrogen in any form is right for you.

Mammography, Hormone Replacement Therapy and Cancer:
  • (false-positve results)
  • (false-positve results "early detection")
  • (screening with limited life expectancy) 
  • (1.3 million over diagnosed)
  • (over diagnosis= early toxic treatment =early death)
  •,-2014/no-mortality-benefit-of-mammography-screening-in-25-year-follow-up-of-canadian-national-breast-screening-study.aspx (mammography = no benefit)
  • (DCIS risk and mammography)
  • (Mammography are harmful)
  • (Mammography are harmful)
  • (Mammography has no benefit)
  • (HRT and Cancer)

Radiation, estrogen, and a variety of chemical pollutants are known to be the major causes of breast cancer, but the efforts of the cancer establishment have been directed toward denying that these avoidable agents are the cause of the great increase in breast cancer during the last several decades - Ray Peat

Diagnosis, Viral infections and Emotional health:
  • (Diagnosis and suicide- emotional health)
  •,25723522,26257065,22108767,25962692,25798256,25213133,25557407,25933186,25391896,19724278,20503403,26286831,25517620,12794717,23183846,24576802,22717740,24834917,22868370?report=docsum (Viral Infection and breast cancer)
  • (HPV and Breast Cancer)

If every year more people are treated for cancer, and every year more people die of cancer, one simply wonders whether fewer people would die if few were treated -Peat and Lee

Breast Cancer and Environmental factors:
  • (Hair dye use and breast cancer)
  • (Parabens in virto and breast cancer) 
  • (Glyphosate, estrogen and breast cancer)
  • (Estrogen, Iron and breast cancer)
  • (Alcohol and breast cancer)
  • (Alcohol and breast cancer)
  • (Endotoxin and breast cancer)
  • (Commercial meat and heme iron)
  • (Leptin and Cancer)
  • (BHA, estrogen and breast cancer)
  • (Benzophenone, estrogen and cancer)
  • (N-6 fatty acids and breast cancer)
  • (Skin care products and breast cancer)
  • (Constipation)
  • (Estrogen during pregnancy) 

Natural progesterone causes a regression of breast tumors, regulating blood sugar up regulates progesterone and opposes estrogen- EWH

Natural therapies and Cures:
  • (rigvir)
  • (rigvir)
  • (Essiac tea)
  • (Essiac tea)
  • (Essiac and alternative therapies)
  • (Frankincense oil)
  • (Frankincense oil)
  • (Ginger extract)
  • (Plant based diet)
  • (Lignans)
  • (Food-Plant Fibre)
Avoiding hypothyroidism is essential for preventing chronic retention or formation of too much estrogen.

Are Breast screening clinics cost effective:
  • (NHS)
  • (Mammography promote over diagnosis and at best reduces incidence of late stage breast cancer)

In short, preclinical, molecular and epidemiological evidence supports a role for estrogen in all stages of breast tumour development, 9/10 skin lotions today will promote estrogenic production (Goss & Strasser-Weippl, 2004).

Be Wise.


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